Spring MAP Testing is upon us! There are 3 tests that take about one hour to complete. We test in the morning and will not have other chapter or unit tests during this time.
Monday, 5/8 in the AM, we will be taking the ELA (Langauge Arts) MAP test
Wednesday, 5/10 in the AM, we will be taking the Reading MAP test
Monday, 5/15 in the AM, we will be taking the Math MAP test
The MAP test measures personal academic progress and also compares individual student performance to other EverGreen 4th graders in addition to 4th graders across the nation.
Instead of teaching each student with a cookie-cutter approach, MAP test results show strengths and weaknesses of each student that allow me to tailor our lessons and projects to helping our students grow!
Please make sure that your student is on time, well-rested, and has eaten a good breakfast!